Posts Tagged ‘Photographer’

When a hot Texas summer is upon us one of the best places to relax and cool off is the San Marcos River. Here you will find refreshingly cool 70-degree water year-round. Floating down the river you will hear the sounds of birds singing and may spot a few you’ve never seen before. You will see wild Texas rice growing in the river where it grows nowhere else. You will see fish swimming and turtles sunning. It’s a peaceful and relaxing place. Let’s care for it so it’s around for many more generations. Here are a few photos from my recent visit. Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

All photos copyright 2023 Albert Moyer, Jr., Photography.

American Ibis- A Haiku

Probing the shallows

For food makes up our long day

Roosting, preening, rest.

2023 Albert Moyer, Jr., photography and poetry

American Alligator – A Haiku

Shy, timid, peaceful

Sprawl, crawl, territorial

We ambush our prey.

2023 Albert Moyer, Jr, photography and poetry

Around us we are surrounded by so many different things. For some, it is overwhelming, because for whatever reason they just cannot take it all in. For others they just never notice their environment. To them life is boring. For me life has more to offer than I’ll ever take in or even remember. That is where the camera takes over! To capture those moments that create a curiosity, or something I see that I would like to remember. Be it a moment, piece of art, a tree, a bug, a bird, food, signs, etc, etc. There is so much out in our world to keep the mind pleasantly and happily occupied. With that said, here are twenty random photos I have seen just walking around in different environments. This is a first in a series I call random photos and there will be more along the way. Thank you for stopping by and happy shooting to all the fellow photographers that see the world. And for those of you that do not see the world, open your eyes, it is all around you. Some may say, I wish I had a camera. A great camera helps, but you can use a cell phone. All photos here were captured on a cell phone. The camera is in your pocket.


Spring time is a beautiful time of year. We come out of the freeze of winter and new life sprouts all around us. Birds sing, baby animals are born, and spring blossoms abound. Here are a few photos of Spring tree blossoms. I know one to be Redbuds, but the other three trees I am not sure of. If you know, please share in comments section.

2017 Albert Moyer, Jr. Photography

I am a native Houstonian of 48 years. I have never seen damage like what I have witnessed on the Texas Coast and in Houston, Texas from a Hurricane. I had some scary moments taking these photos. Our schools are closed for a week, our airports are closed, traffic is two-way on one way freeways, many people are in desperate and life-threatening situations, and we have 20 more inches forecast. This will cause damage for months to come on a financial level. These photos were taken in some of the highest sea level points in Houston. May God protect everyone and bring us all together! It is times like this that we realize we are all human.

Birds just love to hang out when you give them a reason to be your friend. Often that reason is food. Spread a few seeds or place them in the feeder and you will have many visitors. They are comical to watch and a real challenge to photograph. So grab the camera, get some sunlight and vitamin D for your body, mind, and soul, and relax to their song and antics.

Macro photos always capture detail that so many of us just pass on a daily basis. The color of the world around us is so bright and cheerful, yet many miss it. Enjoy the beauty if these flowers!